Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Holidays

Is this a happy face, or what??

Ariel "Miss I-don't-need-glasses-but-I-like-the-geek-chic-look" and her baby sister Kavanna "Pebbles".
Christmas at a friend's house
Kavanna ponders what would happen if she pulls out that fascinating glinty object in Mommy's earlobe.  Hmmmm....
Boxing Day with aunts, uncles and cousins
Grandma Lori and her friend Joy, looking joyful
Ice skating!  Yes, it's been ridiculously cold here.  No, not cold enough to form ice.  This ice skating experience was courtesy of a man-made outdoor rink.
Punk princess on ice...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Kavanna's First Chanukah

Or is it Hannukah?  Or Hanukah?  (no wonder there's no peace in the Middle East - we can't even agree on how to spell this holiday).
Kavanna enjoyed her first present-giving holiday.  She loves having her Grandma (David's mom) here to visit.

How has having a baby changed our lives?
I have little time for luxuries such as updating our blog :)  (Kavanna's taking a nap as I write)
I forget what it's like to maintain eye contact during a conversation, as I'm now always distracted and keeping an eye on Kavanna
Going to the movies is a thing of the past
We are filled with so much love for this adorable little person
We are happier than we've ever been
We're learning more about ourselves and each other through the experience of parenting a baby
We don't need as much sleep as we thought we did 

What's Kavanna doing that's amazing (this week):
When she's hungry she points to her mouth repeatedly as if to say, "Food.  In here.  Now."
She slept through the night.  Twice.
She's running around really fast on those chubby little legs
She now has seven teeth, and more coming
She has the ability to make us smile and laugh with just one look

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I've been tagged by Dale, who's Frances' father.  Okay, here goes:

Dexter reruns (yes, I like it that much!)
Countdown With Keith Olbermann
The Daily Show 
Law & Order
Law & Order SVU
Law & Order Criminal Intent

Kissed and hugged Ariel and told her I love her
Kissed and hugged Kavanna and told her I love her
Kissed and hugged my husband and told him I love him
Had therapy sessions with patients
Listened to the rain (a rarity in So California)
Bought holiday gifts
Talked to my mother in law
Saw my friend Mei Ling's new daughter Li Na (on her blog)

Taking a walk each day with David & Kavanna
Seeing my friends
Visiting with my family 
Returning to China
Our next family vacation to Europe
Living in a country governed by President Obama
Kavanna sleeping through the night
Reading a book while lounging near a pool (with sunscreen, of course!)

The Jules Verne in Paris (it's in the Eiffel Tower; I first saw it when I lived there as a kid and was awed as I watched guests going up in the private elevator;  I finally dined there on our honeymoon).
The Saloon in Chicago (where we first discussed getting married)
High Tea at any Penninsula or Four Seasons Hotels
Empress for dim sum
Our local sushi restaurant
Our local Chinese restaurant
Our local Indian restaurant
Mi Piace

A happy, healthy, long life for both my daughters
A happy, healthy, long life with the love of my life, David
World peace
A healthier global environment
Our 401K and other stocks to be worth what they were a year ago
For the CCAA to speed up so that my friends who are waiting don't have to wait so long
Thicker hair (it falls out from stress and apparently I'm very stressed)
A two week vacation on a beautiful island 

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friends in China

Our friends Mei Ling and Gale are in China preparing to meet their daughter Li Na.  We're so thrilled for them.  Follow their journey at:

I've been in technology hell all week.  My iPhone, bluetooth and computer all crashed during the same week.  I can't sync my contacts back into my phone.  Agggghhhh.

I'll post photos of Miss K once I get organized.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Mommy Brain!

As Dale pointed out, last weekend was our fourth weekend home, not the third.  I seem to have lost the ability to think, focus, and remember many things.  I keep misplacing things (very unusual for me) and feel generally goofy much of the time.  What do these symptoms mean?  I have "maternal preoccupation", otherwise known as "mommy brain".  

Also, to answer Melissa's question in the comments, Kavanna is now 13 months old!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Our third weekend home...

And it feels as if we've always been together.
Kavanna loves stuffed animals, especially her stuffed piglet.
She's always on the go!

But sometimes she'll stop for a moment and deign to let us take a picture.
"Want a cheerio?"
"Here, let me get another cheerio..."
"Hmmmm, which one do I want?"
"Yum, yum, yummy!"
I love this baby!  And this photo!