Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I am not a morning person!!

It's seven o'clock in the morning? Why am I in my car seat?
I need a baby Starbucks or something. Please, people! I was up until 10 o'clock last night. I'm teething. Have you no mercy?

Aggghhhh, the indignity of being a baby. Where's my bottle?

I like to eat everything... even a business card.


DBW said...

7 oclock in the morning? Sheesh, it must be nice. Suzanne has Frances in her carrier and on the bus by 6:15... lol... very cute, though.

Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

I feel your pain! And I think the card looks YUMMY!

Laura said...

She looks a lot more "fresh" than I do at 7am...and I'm already seeing my first patient by then!

**very** cute pics!

~Laura :)

Susan said...

Ugh, 7 am huh? We don't usually head out the door until about 7:45 which still feels early.

Teething is definitely tough. G just cut a few teeth and is sort of between teething right now, thank goodness.
