Sunday, November 04, 2007

Lost & Found

Our 21 month LID anniversary is Tuesday. Looks as if the CCAA matched through December 8, 2005. I'm happy for those families but discouraged overall. I'm losing hope (at times) that this adoption will ever happen. I'm losing patience with how long it's taking. Kavanna is somewhere in China... when, oh when, will we find her?


Unknown said...

I feel ya...I just keep hoping for the month that gives 20 or 30 days..

chad-roscoe said...

i feel your pain this time.
i did the math, and that's always a bad thing, although the RQ will shove it at us probably tomorrow anyway.
blue i am...

Mel said...

Oh Nina, I'm sorry that it's still taking so long. I don't know where you are in the queue, but I hope your wait will not be much longer. I know it's easy to get discouraged.

Anonymous said...

I remembered today is your LID anniversary date, and I know it's not the good kind. I know how you feel, I think I've been giving in to all my bad vices lately, over compensating. But, hang in there, Nina, we're on this long journey together... uhhh, hopefully, only until May. (and, they say Feb. is lightest month)..I do feel confident it will HAPPEN before summer.... sending you, David and Ariel smooches - ps -