Or is it Hannukah? Or Hanukah? (no wonder there's no peace in the Middle East - we can't even agree on how to spell this holiday).
Kavanna enjoyed her first present-giving holiday. She loves having her Grandma (David's mom) here to visit.
How has having a baby changed our lives?
I have little time for luxuries such as updating our blog :) (Kavanna's taking a nap as I write)
I forget what it's like to maintain eye contact during a conversation, as I'm now always distracted and keeping an eye on Kavanna
Going to the movies is a thing of the past
We are filled with so much love for this adorable little person
We are happier than we've ever been
We're learning more about ourselves and each other through the experience of parenting a baby
We don't need as much sleep as we thought we did
What's Kavanna doing that's amazing (this week):
When she's hungry she points to her mouth repeatedly as if to say, "Food. In here. Now."
She slept through the night. Twice.
She's running around really fast on those chubby little legs
She now has seven teeth, and more coming
She has the ability to make us smile and laugh with just one look
Happy Chanukah!
Those are some earrings... Frances would rip those right off. LOL. Happy Chanukah to you and yours. Very cute pictures.
Love the Chanukah comment! Enjoy the holidays and your time with your adorable Kavanna!
Wow! this post and the photos!
Maybe we can hook up next week? It's more than time for us to get our be-hinds over!
Happy Hanukah!
Im sorry I forgot to write Happy Chanukah in my email. Love those photo's.
JMei was babbling along in the backseat today and I could have sworn she said "Shalom" - perhaps she was reminding me to come by and wish y'all a Happy Hanukah.
"All the trees of the fields shall clap their hands." Maybe it's because Kavanna is finally home!
Happy Hanukah! So happy for your busy new life with two gorgeous girls : )
How's Ariel?
Nina - Happy, happy Chanukah, or Hannakah. Truth, be told, I've been confused too about the spelling. I can't believe how much Kavanah has grown. She is so cute in that pink dress. David, is going to have his hands full with pushing the admirers away from his 3 lovely girls. Have a wonderful and joyous holiday, and may it be blessed (which, already is) with many smiles and happines. xxoo
Wishing you the best of holidays including a wonderful new year together.
Does it get any better? I can hardly wait!
Happy (belated) Hannukah!
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