Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Hectic few weeks

"It's early. I'm tired. I'm teething. Why do you want to take my photo?"

"I'd really rather go back to sleep. Ahhhhh, this carseat is really comfy..."

"What, you're still there? Why must you torture me like this?"

"I'm hiding. Now you can't see me and I can't see your silly camera!"

"Okay, I'll favor you with one small hint of a smile...."

I've been MIA because we've been really busy.
Ariel fell (while walking - yes, walking) and tore a ligament in her ankle, so she's was lying on the couch all weekend and in a lot of pain. She has crutches and needs to be in a brace for a month. Then she got the stomach flu and has been nauseous and home from school for two days. It basically sucks to be her right now.

Kavanna has molars coming in and she's NOT happy about that. Otherwise she's doing great, starting to say a lot of words (okay, only we can understand that when she says, "I" and points to the fireplace she means "fire" and when she puts her hands up and says, "Ahhh" she means "hot" but she's talking, I say!!).


C's Mom said...

Of course she's talking! You know what she's saying :0)

Poor Ariel...I hope she is on the mend in all ways quickly.

chad-roscoe said...

I can't believe I missed all these posts and wonderful, adorable pictures! Where has my head been? I am so sorry about Ariel. I hope she's feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Kavanna is just such a darling, sweet baby. What a kisser! She melts hearts for sure.

bb said...

What a cutie pie, Kavanna is! Those pig tails are sooooo cute! Hope Ariel is up and around soon. Hope to see you all soon.
Beth, BiBi & Maxine.
PS. Starbucks does have a yummy kid's steamed whole milk. : ) ...but cha didn't hear that from me. ; )

J said...

So cute !!! Is that a carseat cover on Kavanna's carseat? If yes, where did you get it? It looks so soft and comfy !!! I hope Ariel is feeling better soon.