Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Ni Hao!

Ni Hao! Ni Hao-ma! Hello! How are you? Our family is learning to speak Mandarin. Surprisingly, it's not as difficult as anticipated, maybe because it's very logical. Of course, it's also challenging (ie, there are different words for "or" depending on whether you're asking a question or stating a fact) and as for reading Mandarin? Highly unlikely! As in, that's not gonna happen! We're using Pimsleur on our commutes and Ariel is picking it up from us.

According to the chart above, Mandarin speakers use more of their brains than English speakers. But is this a good thing? After all, if we're using so much more of our brains to speak Mandarin, will we have enough grey matter left to worry/fret/ponder/speculate/agonize over the wait??

What of after the wait, you may ask? If memory serves, when a baby joins the family there's an immediate loss of interest in adult matters (politics-shmalitics, etc.) and a sudden avid interest in such riveting subjects as bodily functions and sleep. Forget the NY Times bestseller list. We'll be reading "Goodnight Moon" and "Everybody Poops". I remember spending an inordinant amount of time listing the benefits of Huggies versus, say, Pampers. Not to mention giving excited reports about the contents of said diapers. "Time" suddenly becomes not a magazine but a measure of sleep. Ours. Hers. Especially ours.

My prediction: we will love every minute of it!! I can't wait!


C's Mom said...

Hah, you're not kidding about the change in reading content. Jadyn isn't even home and I'm perusing such fine literature as 'Everbody Poops'...astute observation ;0)

Kudos on learning some Mandarin. I would love to as well. For now, I am paralyzed by how difficult a task that seems. Thanks for making it seem more do-able!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nina, I crossed over... Anyway, I went to Borders today to buy a couple of books (one Life & Styele, because I love entertaining, Scrapbooking, and the World is Flat.. Is Casblassa near LA? I didn't know..., I just wanted to let you know if you and your family would like to joing our SF party reunion. Actually, it should be fun, the two couples who are also joining us - the wife is Chinese, husband is American, and they have a lovely 8 year old. My best girlfriend, is bringing her daughter - who is a firecracker - she just performed in the play - Joseph Dreamcoat - Techincolor - and is 11 years old... She was adopted thru Holt, the same agency we are using, so all have this weird connection.... anyway, if you both work in LA and want to join us at - it would be fun and interesting. Actually, when I was going thru the Vietnam adoption, I met many wonderful pp who attended my baby shower... oh well, I think it's wonderful you are learning Mandarin - you're a much better person than I. Best, Ragdoll, or Mei Ling Connor my:email is meiconnor@yahoo.com