Friday, July 04, 2008

Moving on...

The cut-off this month officially blows.  It's abysmal, it's depressing, and it's upsetting.  But you know what?  We're lucky enough to know our referral is a month or two away (or even three, depending on how much credence one gives pessimists who believe there will be zero referrals in September due to the Olympics).  We're talking months to wait, not years.  Am I disappointed in the last referral bunch?  Hell, yeah.  But we're also fortunate that we won't be waiting too much longer.  So I'm over it.  

That said, on to other things.  I'm beginning to research packing lists and I've found some of the most interesting products for traveling.   

Inflatable hangers.   That makes no sense to me.  And at the same time it makes absolute sense.

Finger toothpaste.  A little glove that goes over your finger (like a tiny little condom) and you brush your teeth with it.  No water required.  There's a joke there somewhere, I'm sure.

Shampoo sheets.  I'm impressed by the ingenuity of that one but also confused.  Is there a place on this planet at which real liquid shampoo is not available?  

Instant mouthwash that's carry-on approved.  Genius!


chad-roscoe said...

Um, I already bought inflatable hangers like 2 years ago. LOL! The idea is, you wash stuff and it dries much quicker on the inflatable hanger which puffs the shirt out so it dries.
I'm guessing the shampoo sheets are airline approved?
I got my hangers from eBay, but I think Amazon has them too, and maybe Travelsmith?
This is exciting!
Are you taking a video camera? Have you decided on one yet?
(Who are home, sweating underneath one hot, terrified dog. Happy 4th!)

Anonymous said...

Okay, thanks for explaining the inflatable hangers, to me because I thought you would have to blow it up like a balloon, and, who on the earth would have time to do that. But you know, I always learn something new.

Oh,Nina, I hope, hope you are next and we get to celebrate your referral. Anyway, please share your packing list with me. love to you - and for all my grousing... love, ml

chad-roscoe said...

Just to clarify, you do have to blow the hangers up! But, they are small, so it doesn't take much puffing. Flat to pack, blown up to dry.

Maia said...

Wow, you really have searched far and wide! I'm all over that instant mouthwash. That's the one and only thing I seem to run out of on trips (especially in places like China where you can't use the water)! File that under "travel essentials".
While I like the idea of shampoo flakes, I agree that it's less than entirely necessary.

Dawn S. said...

Yeah, I was hoping for 10 days this month...

By the way, if you hang a towel over a hanger and then hang the shirt on that, it will dry fast.

We are close - hang in there!
LID 3-13-06