Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The mystery of the missing consulate appointments

DISCLAIMER:  major pity party to follow
This is a map of the Guangdong Province of China.  Guangzhou is the capital city.  The American Consulate is in Guangzhou.  Someone in the consulate is in charge of issuing consulate appointments.  That person is making my life (and those of my travel buddies) a nightmare of interminable waiting.

We got our referral over five weeks ago.  Others who got their referrals on the same date will be leaving in a week or two.  I admit publicly to more than a twinge of outright jealousy every time I read about someone's happy travel news.  I'm happy for them, and also really envious.  

Looking at Kavanna's adorable photos I feel almost a physical need to pick her up and hold her and be with her, and I'm thousands of miles away with little idea of when (WHEN????????) we'll travel.   

After three years of waiting for our referral we're still... waiting.  It's torture.  


Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

(((HUGS))) Hang in there! It will happen...SOON!

C's Mom said...

I am so sorry. It is not a pity party...who wouldn't want to hold her baby ASAP?

I am thinking of you and hope you have good travel news very, very soon.

Erin said...

Girl, I feel your pain, down the marrow of my bones. If we just knew when, it would make things so much easier. Martinis and chocolate are in short supply these days, aren't they?

Much love! Your Texas Travel Buddy (and Mollianne and Meisey's Mommy)

Melissa said...


I went through the same thing! It is so hard to wait when others are traveling. I am leaving next week and others who got their referral with me will been home for 2 weeks!! I will say that just knowing the dates really helped. I am pulling for you and hoping you hear something today!!